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Brilliant Star——学大教育

来源:袁学琴     时间:2012-12-25 13:53:01


Once I had nothing in my mind,
Loaf about in the knowledge ocean as an idiot;
Nothing paid nothing gained,
Silent and emotionless time passed.

Once I felt puzzled in my heart,
How could I be intelligent of that kind;
Rush and fumble as the blind,
Thorns and traps drowned me every part.

Every step I took with fear,
Suffering came along with all despair;
Rarely could I free myself,
Cowering and sorrow filled my life,
Anybody comes up with any care?

One day God lit for me a star,
Which led me forge towards your side;
Dim or clear, near or far,
From the darkness I just fled.

Bright and brilliant from then on,
It was confident that I felt;
Talent and learning sprung up soon,
No more roadblocks at my feet.

Today I am trying to express my gratitude,
Only to find myself at a loss of word;
How could I have overcome such difficulty,
If I had not you as my company.
Garlands and claps show your power,
Wonders and success last forever.


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